We took a stroll along the short beach at Crescent City. It is called that because it is shaped like a crescent.
There is a lighthouse that you can only reach during low tide.All along the beach were drift wood pieces and dried up seaweed, so I was surprised to find a tine little shell in tact. I picked it up to bring back with me. It was wet inside so I poured out the water.
It smelled like the ocean was purging but there was no foam like there is back home when the ocean does that. He was amazed that there was wood stacked up for a bon-fireAs we walked to the car the smell kept getting worse and worse.
Finally, I thought, maybe it is the sea shell I picked up. Sure enough it was! Now my hands reeked! I walked over to the public restroom, and of course, they didn't have soap. So we got in the car to head home. Even with the window down I stunk! We stopped to get gas ($4.54 for regular unleaded in California!) so I could wash my hands...they had soap! Thank God! A two hour ride with that smell was not something we were looking forward to.
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