And this is Ashleigh. She is a spit-fire, 6 year old, red-head or "ginger nut" as her dad calls her because of her red hair.
The ranch they rented came complete with a barn, pool and pool house (which Ashleigh wants us to move into, LOL),6 chickens and horses. Well, actually, the horses belong to the landlord, all except this stallion. According to Ashleigh, he isn't broken yet.
If you look closely to the mid-left, the snow forms an angel. Leslie told me that legend has it that when the angel appears on that mountain the salmon are running in the streams, when she is gone, so are the salmon. 
This is Steve, who lives in the lot diagonal to ours. He and Glenn helped Andy one evening after they moved in with something. The three of them are something when they are together! Leslie and I decided that they are 3 of a kind!
.It was a wonderful evening. She had cooked roast with potatoes, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower (all cooked separately, not together as we do in southern USA) and Yorkshire pudding, all with gravy. They poured gravy over everything. I have to admit, once I poured it over the cauliflower, it tasted much better, I do not like cauliflower. But I could not eat the Yorkshire pudding. That texture was not for me. I love quiche, but couldn't do Yorkshire pudding.
.But the company was great and the conversation a mix between riotously hilarious and historically entertaining. We learned alot about their culture and them about ours. We spent much of the afternoon comparing the meanings of various words. We all speak English but with different dialects, slang and connotations of similar words.
Table Rock at sunset on June 25, 2008. A very nice ending to a relaxing evening with new friends.
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